Tokyo leads Asia’s real estate headlines today with news that home prices in the Japanese capital’s central areas have reached record highs. Also making the list is Xinhua deleting a report about China’s CIC taking over the country’s major bad-asset… Read More>>
China’s MOHURD Rolls Out Social Credit System for the Real Estate Industry
To follow through on President Xi Jinping’s vow of “homes are for living, not for flipping”, China’s primary real estate regulator on Thursday announced penalties for companies which mislead customers and cheat on regulations designed to promote transparency in the… Read More>>
China’s Housing Ministry Inspects 30 Cities in Two Weeks to Exterminate Housing Speculators
Since the end of June China has moved to clamp down further on housing speculation as the government shows its determination to enforce President Xi Jinping’s vow at last year’s party congress that, “homes are for living, not for flipping.”
Shanghai Retreats From Commercial-Titled Apartment Ban After Protests
The Shanghai government today announced modifications to its rules punishing owners and developers of commercial-titled apartments after hundreds of homebuyers protested the policy measures over the weekend.
In a statement posted on the city’s Housing and Urban-Rural Development office website… Read More>>
China’s Central Govt Takes Control of Land Supply to Smooth Out Housing Market
As China’s real estate market spiked in 2016, dozens of Chinese cities followed central government directives and announced local measures to tackle rapidly rising home prices.
These local tightening moves primarily came in the form of controls designed to reduce… Read More>>
Dodgy Brokers Become the Latest Target in China’s Battle for Housing Affordability
It could be a lack of land, or it could be a failure to develop alternative investment opportunities, but it’s probably more satisfying to blame China’s ever-rising home prices on rascally real estate brokers.
Frustrated in its attempts to dampen… Read More>>
China Hits Developers With Sales Rules as Govt Takes Direct Control of Home Prices
Frustrated in its attempts to dampen demand for new housing among Chinese homebuyers, China’s chief housing regulator is aiming its regulatory might at real estate developers, as the government shows its determination to cool down an ever-rising property market.
On… Read More>>
Land Sales Jumped 50% in China’s Largest Cities During Q1
With China home prices at record levels in many of the country’s largest cities, residential land supply in first-tier cities in China – such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou – increased by over 50 percent from the same period a… Read More>>
Wanda’s HK De-Listing Set For September and More Asia Real Estate Headlines
Wang Jianlin will finally get his wish come September this year, after rounding up support to de-list Wanda Commercial Properties from the Hong Kong exchange, in favor of a mainland listing. Meanwhile, GLP teams up with a state-run manufacturer to… Read More>>
China Cuts Home Purchase Down Payment to 20% to Revive Market
In a surprise move to boost home sales, China’s government has cut down payment requirements for purchases of additional homes to 20 percent from 30 percent in most cities, for buyers who do not have loans on their existing properties.