As someone who specialises in marketing real estate, I have a lot of respect for Jones Lang LaSalle’s PR machine. Among the property consultancies operating in China, JLL seems to put the most effort into marketing, and generally grabs the most headlines. And this only makes “The Dragon is Stirring,” even more disappointing.
In case you missed it, JLL just published what it calls China’s first corporate real estate survey, which for some unfathomable reason, they have cursed with the unfortunate “The Dragon is Stirring” moniker.
Any use of dragon in a title has been done to death by the publishers of bargain-rack business books long ago, so it’s surprising that a professional real estate company would want to associate themselves with such a clumsy handle.
And if the whole dragon cliche isn’t enough, then why exactly is it stirring? You can’t really believe that China’s real estate market has just woken up? Or maybe it’s a reference to the pastisse and cocktails that China’s property developers and their government cousins are stirring in their bungalows along the Riviera about now?
In the future, I’m hoping that Jones Lang will avoid dragon titles for their property reports, but in case they feel the need to continue the dragon theme for a 2013 sequel report, here are Mingtiandi’s suggestion for five “enhanced” dragon names:
- China’s Real Estate Dragon Stirs Its Economic Drink
- China’s Dragon Flies Between a Bubble and a Hard Landing
- Wen Jiabao and the Cooling Measures: How to tame your property dragon
- Crouching Policy, Hidden Dragon
- The Developer with the Dragon Tattoo
Got your own dragon title lined up? Feel free to hit the comments below.
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