The second-largest bitcoin exchange globally may now be taking one of the world’s highest office rental bills after agreeing to pay a record HK$225 ($28.67) per square foot per month to lease a full floor of the Cheung Kong Center… Read More>>
Victor Li’s CK Asset Said Downsizing Shanghai Team by 30%
Victor Li Tzar-kuoi’s CK Asset Holdings is downsizing its Shanghai team by 30 percent, according to reports in the mainland press, which indicate that the Hong Kong-based developer stopped renewing contracts with local employees since February of this year.
The… Read More>>
Aussie Broker Tells Chinese Clients to Call the Cops After Cash Goes Missing
Australian real estate brokerage Ausin has removed references to 17 of its group offices in China from its website and says that it has reported the head of its Chinese affiliate to authorites after the company’s mainland operation collapsed without… Read More>>
Casino Developer Landing Intl Sinks 45% on HK Exchange After Chairman Detained
Landing International Development, a Hong Kong-listed casino builder, reported to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Thursday that the company is unable to contact its 47-year-old chairman Yang Zhihui, who controls 50.48 percent of the company.
According to a report… Read More>>
Greenland’s Plan to Build China’s Tallest Tower in Wuhan Scaled Down by Over 20%
Greenland Wuhan Center, designed to surpass the Shanghai Tower and become China’s tallest building, will be falling short of its planned 636 metres (2086 feet) height, after the local government prescribed a 21 percent reduction in height for the central… Read More>>
China Rental Apartment Providers Freeze Prices, Boost Supply After Beijing Crackdown
Venture capital-backed rental apartment provider Ziroom has pledged to roll out 80,000 units of rental housing in Beijing within the next three months, while agreeing to maintain current prices for the homes, after the capital’s housing authority this month that… Read More>>
Yuexiu Property Announces Plan to Sell Fortune World Plaza in Guangzhou
Guangzhou-based Yuexiu Property this month issued an announcement to the Hong Kong Exchange, saying the company intends to dispose of its 100 percent equity interest in its subsidiary Guangzhou Yuehui Property, which holds Yuexiu Fortune World Plaza in Guangzhou’s Liwan… Read More>>
Champion REIT Reaches Records as Rental Income Jumps 10.1%
Champion REIT, the owner of Three Garden Road in Central and Langham Place in Mongkok, achieved record distributable income of HK$812 million ($104 million), in the first half of 2018, according to results released last week by the manager of… Read More>>
Poly Property Wins Kowloon Residential Project for HK$3.3B
The Hong Kong Lands Department on Wednesday announced that a subsidiary of China Poly Property, has won a tender for a 3,689-square-metre (39,708 square feet) residential site in Yau Tong, in the southeastern end of Kowloon.
Poly Property, China’s fourth… Read More>>
Three Directors of Shenzhen Developer Arrested in Kingkey-Led Takeover
Three officers of developer Shenzhen Kondarl Group have been detained by Shenzhen police within the last week, according to announcements by the Shenzhen-listed real estate firm, following a five year conflict between the company’s founder and its second-largest shareholder, Kingkey… Read More>>