As those of us inside China know, the country’s week-long October holiday starts on October 1st, and I’ll be using this occasion to give the blog of bit of a rest.
Starting on Wednesday the 25th I’ll be off visiting the US on my annual sojourn home. Time to see everyone in Minnesota, Michigan, and other places that might start with the letter M, and to practice being an American again for a couple of weeks.
I would like to take this opportunity (or any opportunity) to thank all of you who read the site faithfully or have recommended it to friends for your contribution to Mingtiandi’s growth. The newsletters now average nearly two new subscribers every day, and Mingtiandi averaged more than 175 unique visitors during the month of August.
In the absence of any specific inspiration, there won’t be any new posts on Mingtiandi from the 25th to October 9th, which means the newsletters will be taking a break as well.
I hope those of you in China will also get a chance to get away from your normal routine, and I look forward to being back to chronicling the country’s real estate market and life in the Middle Kingdom again in October.
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