I know, I know – I’ve been lazy about updating this thing. But sometimes life as an entrepreneur is just too exciting for words.
Two big issues on the plate today:
Issue 1. That elusive WFOE license: Am meeting with the Commercial and Administrative Bureau this afternoon to help them understand the company business plan and budget so they can put their chop on RightSite Website Technology Ltd and send our company rolling along to the next government bureau for approval.
If you said, “What the h*** is a Commercial and Administrative Bureau, then you have forgotten that China is still a Communist country. The Commercial and Administrative Bureau are basically economic police who make sure that companies are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Remember that earlier post about the minute details in business licenses? Well, the Commercial and Administrative Bureau are here to put those details into your license, and to make sure you don’t forget them.
So this afternoon, we’ll be meeting with them to let them know how RightSite is going to work.
Issue 2. Choosing that elusive website vendor. Yes, after nearly three months, I have still not decided on vendor to build our website. One of our top priorities in choosing a vendor is getting a detailed proposal for the first two stages of the site development. Basically, we want to take care of all of the development needed to allow the site to operate and be able to sell memberships on it.
In order to get this detailed proposal for the two stages of the site, however, we have had to develop very detailed requirements for all aspects of the site. So for me, the month of March has meant mapping out a thirty page list of features that the site needs to have, and explanations of how the features should work.
All of this has already gone out to the three web developers still in the running for this project, and I expect to receive detailed proposals from them by wednesday. Once we get the detailed proposals, then it’s time to choose a vendor and negotiate a contract.
I now expect the actual design and building of the site with the development vendor to start on April 1st and for the first stage to be complete on June 30th. A huge change from my original schedule.
However, by spending the time developing our requirements to this level of detail, I am much more confident that we will be getting the website that we want, and a website that our users will enjoy.
Now if only I could be that confident about the Commercial and Administrative Bureau.
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