I’m not sure if anyone really takes weekends off in Shanghai, but folks starting their own businesses, like yours truly, almost never refrain from working for two straight days. We are in a hurry. We have places to go. Things… Read More>>
Pre-Flight Checklist
It’s been nearly a week since our last installment here on Mingtiandi, but there are some good reasons for this. We’ve been especially busy trying to take care of all of the last minute details before Mike’s big trip to… Read More>>
This weekend is still a marketing weekend here at RightSite — getting ready for our email campaigns, preparing our promotional materials, and making sure we have all those tools we need to show how sexy industrial property can be.
And… Read More>>
This Little Piggy Goes to Market
Today was a weird day at RightSite. Something was missing. Everything seemed changed.
After eight weeks of daily meetings, we have now finished the planning stage of our site development. So today was the first day since April 7th that… Read More>>
Chops Ahoy!
Continuing our ongoing RightSite saga, we reached some big milestones last week and are ready for more action in the days to come.
The big event happened on Friday the 23rd, when we received our company chop and the official… Read More>>
Business Networking Scam Hits Shanghai
This strays a bit from our usual Mingtiandi vein, but I just received a scam appeal to entrepreneurs that I thought might be worth warning folks about.
I received two emails inviting me to an “Exclusive business breakfast meeting by… Read More>>
Teambuilding Secrets
Damn all this prosperity! Overly optimistic fools drive up the cost of office space, you need to book a table even at bad restaurants, and even the dark blue taxis are hard to catch. For any business owner in Shanghai… Read More>>
The Shape of Things to Come
Catch the excitement! RightSite.Asia is taking shape as we watch.
Attached is the latest design from our web designers. This is still not a finished product – we expect to go through several generations before we get to a… Read More>>
The Lucky Winner
It has been a busy few days here in the RightSite Idea Factory, so apologies for not posting earlier.
The big development since our last post has been the choice of a RightSite layout concept. Thanks to all of you… Read More>>
Rain Delay
We have disappointing news today for any of you tuning in to find out how today’s web design focus group session progressed. The meeting was called on account of typhoon, or cyclone, or whatever you call that really big storm… Read More>>