As followers of this blog may know, RightSite was built using a content management system called Drupal, a development platform that seems to be going thermo-nuclear here in 2010. While I have seen numerous examples of famous sites the world over being built in Drupal, including the official White House site, it has been suggested to me that RightSite may actually be the largest Drupal site in the world in terms of entries.
For those of you who are newcomers to this blog, is the industrial real estate website operated by my company, RightSite. We are an online B2B platform for owners and occupiers to exchange information and arrange deals, as well as providing resources for facilitating real estate transactions. But mostly we have listings. Lots of listings. And this translates into a big site.
Big site in terms of lots of information. RightSite now has more than 2700 detailed property listings, as well as listings of nearly 2000 industrial parks and economic zones all over China. Put together, all of this information makes for a very large site. As of the latest count, RightSite had nearly 40,000 database nodes and the actual size of the database was more than 1 GB.
So does that make RightSite the biggest Drupal site in the world? I can find any data on this at this point. But I would be willing to wager that we are still the biggest Drupal site in China. And China is not a small place.
So does RightSite being big help you at all? Not directly. But by filling RightSite with this much data, we hope that we have established an important resource base for facilitating industrial real estate transactions. Now we are relying on the members of our community to keep contributing so that the site continues to support economic growth and industrial development across China.
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