If you are making, marketing or implementing enterprise software in Asia, then you had better make it bilingual. And if you want to make software that people enjoy using then you need to be smart about how you incorporate all… Read More>>
Why Your Company Should Only Have One Client List
At RightSite, one of the most common customer requests that we get is for assistance in managing their many client lists.
Essentially, the idea is that a few hundred separate Excel files containing customer information can be made into… Read More>>
How Your Mailing Lists are Wasting Your Time and Money
Most companies have lots of lists, but not much useful information. Key client lists, email marketing lists, event invitation lists – at least five or six lists for each department. These lists are the enemy of your ROI.
For example,… Read More>>
The Top Ten Reasons CRM Implementations Fail
As long time readers of Mingtiandi will know, I am a big fan of online management systems, and I am currently working on updating our CRM, or customer relationship management system.
CRMs are critical to managing a company’s sales process,… Read More>>
We Want You!
Friday afternoon – time for beer. But first it’s time to get a grip on what we accomplished this week here at Rightsite.
This was pretty uneventful week here in the Tongren Lu headquarters of Rightsite. But sometimes uneventful is… Read More>>