Natasha Ho, President, China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (HKI)
Special Advisor of Moorgen (China) Intelligent Technology Co.
Natasha was educated in Canada and then the United States, where she graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Tourism Management. For close to 20 years, Natasha has been a senior corporate strategist and advisor, steering some of exclusive equity and project deals in the financial and real estate sectors for corporate and private clients in Hong Kong & China. Since 2020, she had been on the management board as Executive Director of Superland Group Holdings (0368.HK). Backed by an expert team in cutting-edge immersive experiences of AR/VR and groundbreaking applications of AI and big-data, Natasha is instrumental in strategising the Group as the regional market pioneer of technological innovation in professional home design solutions. Brought under an umbrella brand titled Oodles, the state-of- the-art technologies introduced by the Group is bringing about a digital transformation of the entire spectrum of the fitting-out industry, from professionals to end-users, reinventing our built environment for a sustainable future accessible to everyone.
Natasha is active in the community roles she serves. She has been a long-standing executive member of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and International Chapter (CRECCHKI) for nearly ten years and has since 2020 been stewarding as its President. She has been appointed a Convention Ambassador by the Hong Kong Tourism Board to help promote Hong Kong as a destination among international business leaders. Natasha is currently an Executive Committee member and Think Tank member of Dashun Foundation.
China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and International Chapter Limited (hereinafter called “CRECCHKI”) was established on August 21,2002 to be a non-profit making Hong Kong-registered Chapter of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (hereafter called“CRECC”). We are a real estate industry association, comprising of real estate investors, fund managers, developers, professionals, academics, and public agencies and associations based in Hong Kong, with overseas members throughout the world.
For more information, please visit www.crecchki.org.
Past Mingtiandi Events
Hong Kong Forum 2023 — Hong Kong’s Industrial Future
Hong Kong Forum 2024 — Mainland China Investment Opportunities
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