Here is a list of the day’s latest China real estate news collected from around the web:
China has been supporting property purchases by certain buyers to meet genuine… Read More>>
China Stocks Surge, But Analysts See Govt Going for Stability
The big China business news last week was the surge in share values for real estate developers, as investors see signs that the country is starting to loosen its restrictions on the residential real estate market. However, a recent survey… Read More>>
Today’s China Real Estate Links | February 17, 2012
Here is a list of the day’s latest China real estate news collected from around the web:
The head of real estate for China’s giant sovereign-wealth fund resigned last week after two months on… Read More>>
Finance Management in the Afternoon
What can I say? It’s not an exciting day.
The joy of the home office situation is the lack of interruptions. Having just transitioned away from running a 30 person office and having as many as 8 client meetings a… Read More>>