I know, I know – I’ve been lazy about updating this thing. But sometimes life as an entrepreneur is just too exciting for words.
Two big issues on the plate today:
Issue 1. That elusive WFOE license: Am meeting with… Read More>>
Asia real estate and outbound investment news
I know, I know – I’ve been lazy about updating this thing. But sometimes life as an entrepreneur is just too exciting for words.
Two big issues on the plate today:
Issue 1. That elusive WFOE license: Am meeting with… Read More>>
Returned to Shanghai more than a week ago now, so it’s time to get back to the blog as well — the world needs to know about the fun of starting up a new media company in Shanghai.
Already had… Read More>>
Starting a business would be easy if all we had to deal with were business challenges.
19:00h 2008-02-02
I am not on the plane. No one is on the plane.
After being reassured that flights were leaving on time, I journeyed out to Pudong airport, arriving at 4:30 pm for my 6:35 pm flight. Only to… Read More>>
Today was the last day before the big holiday for me.
Sure I could stay around and try to work on Monday and Tuesday, or maybe even work through the holiday like I did the first year that I started… Read More>>
Today was a pretty good day here in the Tongren Lu Idea Factory.
Actually, my schedule is not anywhere as neat as all this in reality, and I’m not always sure that there’s a great reason why I take care of a particular task on Wednesday instead of on Monday. (Just because I wrote something down in a list doesn’t mean it’s organised).
Now with one week to go before the holiday, and only three working days left before I escape to Thailand for a beach holiday, I am happy to join with Meatloaf in saying, two out of three ain’t bad.
To continue on the club theme, I would like to let you all know of another business group that I’ve played a meaningful role in for many years. Just today I was re-elected to a seventh consecutive two-year term as… Read More>>
Today was a day for a committee meeting of the Shanghai chapter of IHMCFF.
IHMCFF was a major club back in Hanoi back when I was starting my first media project, and it has now been reborn here in the… Read More>>